Breaking Free Foundation

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Breaking Free Foundation Launches 5er for a Survivor Campaign

In a time when social justice and awareness campaigns flood our online feeds, it can be overwhelming to think about all of the great causes and organizations that need financial support. You can’t give to everyone, and we understand that.

It has taken us six years as a foundation to finally receive charitable status, and over the years we have learned that a little bit goes a long way.

Helping is healing, and in the spirit of that, you can help us allow survivors of trauma to move forward in their healing. One of our longest-running awareness campaigns is the Victor Walk, an annual movement that brings together Victors of child sexual abuse and their supporters, to raise awareness and money for those suffering from the lingering effects of trauma.

Our orange movement is all about moving from victim to Victor, to truly find your voice and take the first step towards a better life. The Victor Walk was started by Theo Fleury in 2013, and has since been an annual tribute and awareness walk for the thousands of Canadians who are child sexual abuse victors.

On July 28th, 2019, our team will be walking in Calgary, Alberta in the sixth annual #VictorWalk. This year, as our organization finds itself overrun with requests for our programming, so we are asking for a little bit of help this Victor Walk—just five dollars. Our 5er for a Survivor campaign is an opportunity to give up your latte for a day, and put that money to work for survivors.

“For the last 10 years, we have tried to get people out of victimhood and into a mindset of being victors over their trauma. You were never a victim but you are a survivor. By supporting a survivor, they can turn into a thriver.” — Theo Fleury, Co-Founder of Breaking Free Foundation

You can bring $5 to our Victor Walk in Calgary on July 28th, or feel free to donate online now.