Breaking Free Foundation

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#BF4ME | Week 2 | Not my favourite

Week two of this thing I call an "adventure" is over. Good riddance.

The Good (Finding Joy)

  • Second ultrasound to verify abnormalities came back clean!

  • I was able to spend time with a dear friend, whom I call a lifer. She is one of those people I can't imagine my life without. She brings me joy, just by being her.

  • I got to wear an ugly Christmas sweater for my first ever ugly sweater event.

  • I journalled.

  • I am thankful for all the positive feedback from people who say this journey is an inspiration to them to take their small steps. I am also grateful to the Board for their support. I told them I'd likely not be doing this without it.

The Bad (My Week)

  • A 911 call left me completely exhausted after having to deal with it. It wasn't for me, all is well, for now.

  • A cortisone shot (jeez this aging thing...) in my shoulder has left me in more pain. It will get better, I'm told, and I will know in late January whether surgery will be required.

  • A sick day in bed, rare for me and frustrating, to say the least.

  • A debilitating migraine while visiting my friend made me angry. I haven't had one in a long time, and it had to pick this past weekend.

The Ugly (True Confessions)

In my quest to be transparent and share the good, the bad and the ugly with you, last week was pretty much a write off as far as activity went. I had improved food days and a completely indulgent one, but I can't say I made any progress at all.

Are the events of the week my excuses, the ones I said I would remove? I'm not considering them as such, rightly or wrongly. It was an extreme week and I am giving myself permission for a do-over. Anyone who knows me knows how hard it is for me to do that. Letting go of self-criticism is a tough one for many of us, I'm guessing.

So here's me, asking for a do-over.

One of the interesting articles I came across last week is something I will explore too, besides my commitments from last week. I know how sluggish I feel when I'm not eating properly, but the new research about how our gut parallels our brain functionality is intriguing, to say the least.

This Success Magazine article gives some tips on how to reset your day. They're worth considering!

  • Complete the sentence, I’ll feel better when…

  • List three things that are in your control to change right now.

  • Listen to an uplifting song. My all-time favourite is Footloose :).

  • Watch a funny video.

  • Look at pictures from your favorite vacation.

Recap of last week's commitments...

I will:

  • Continue to track my food/beverage intake and eliminate bed time eating, except popcorn on Friday night :).

  • Continue sit-ups: 20/day this week.

  • Walk: minimum of three walks, whether outdoor or doing a mall walk if it’s too cold. No excuses. I actually had a friend offer to make those our phone call connection times, if it means it will help me get it done.

  • Begin to journal again, daily, free form. All that means is I’ll journal my thoughts as they come out, no editing or thinking too much. You in to try it? It could be three minutes or thirty, again it’s about actually doing it, not doing it perfectly. A friend gave me The 5-Minute Journal a year or so ago. I started it, but it quickly fell by the wayside. I will explore that as a begin-again possibility.

Instead of offering ideas of what you can do, I would appreciate hearing what you are doing to takes those  small steps toward healing and wholeness. You can comment below, and you are also invited to join our closed Facebook group, to share your thoughts, ideas and progress.

Huge thanks to all those who are in my corner, rooting me on! Next week's report will be better.